
Well, yet another Blog – congratulations, Andreas! And then, maybe not… I hope, not. So if I am not sure, why did I set it up then?

I am owning my own domain – www.andreaszapf.de – since 1999, in other words: for a long time now when it comes to the fast pace of the internet. And also since a time when not many had been thinking about getting “their own” domains.

For many years, I tried with static web pages, to no avail: I just did not have the time to maintain the complex structures and to keep the content up-to-date while my life continued on, almost as if to tell me “stop it, you cannot live your life and write about it at the same time.”

Well, I can try to write, but I wanted to get rid of the overhead of HTML Programming, Stylesheets, updates, etc. – and concentrate on the core. I may not be posting often (sometimes more, sometimes less) but when I do, I think it is about something that I want to share – if you think, it has been worth sharing, then I have done it right…
