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Tag Archives: WHS
WHS, LightsOut & Wake-on-LAN
Damit – that’s why they say: “Never change a running system!”. I had my WHS running with LightsOut (Green IT Software) and everything was working fine: the server woke up when a monitored client came alive and it went down … Continue reading
Time for a Storage Extension
Let’s face it: once you start having a home server, you start putting data on it, simply because it is so conveniant. In my case, that means to bring a lot of data from various external disks plus those things … Continue reading
Data Migration to WHS
To tell the truth: I knew, my NAS was slow… but that slow? To copy roughly 28.000 Files from my digital image library to my regular PC took just about 12 hours. The average transfer speed finally came out to … Continue reading
First Issues
After having operated the Windows Home Server for about a week, the client PC pointed me to a potential problem this morning (via the Home Server Management Console): it turned out this believe that one of the files could not … Continue reading
Switching over to Windows Home Server
Well, I have had my current NAS (Network Attached Storage) for quite some time and it did serve my requirements I had when I initially bought it: Data Security: my data was previously stored on “server” drives with the server … Continue reading